Make sure to click “save” after editing text, objects, and images
Title: rename objects for easier organization
Link: add a link to where you want users to be sent to when visitors click on the object
Shape: transform objects to preset list of shapes
Position: When editing objects, users can reposition them on the XYZ axes using the sliders
When customizing Portals on a desktop, users can use the left and right arrow keys to fine tune movement on the XYZ axis
Size Equally: resize images and objects manually
Toggle on to resize equally on XYZ axes
Toggle off to resize manually on XYZ axes
Show/Hide: toggle on/off to show and hide the image/object
Close: close current tab and be brought back to the previous tab
Delete: remove object from the Portal completely
Advanced Tips
Rotation: users can rotate images/objects on the XYZ axes
Duration: value is in milliseconds and reflects the amount of time it will take to make the object rotate to the value input by the user
Loop: when switched on, the object will continue to rotate after the first rotation is completed. When toggled off, the object will complete one rotation and hold the final position
Scale Animation: users can have images/object stretch to the values set by the user
Duration: value is in milliseconds and reflects the amount of time it will take to make the object scale to the value input by the user
Loop: when switched on, the object will continue to scale repeatedly. When toggled off, the object will complete one image scaling and hold the final position
Direction: Alternate has the image scale from small to large. Reverse has the image scale from large to small
Manage Tab:
Portal URL: set a custom url for your portal
Title: Give your portal a name for people to easily find
Description: describe what your Portal is about
Profile: Toggle “hide” in order to set a custom profile picture for the Portal
Live To Public: toggle on/off to set Portal public or private
Allow Remix: toggle on/off to allow users to create a clone of the Portal that they can customize and make their own
For Sale: require users to pay the Portal creator to use the remix function
What are Backgrounds?
Backgrounds are the foundation of the Portals.
They can be 360 images or videos. These can be 360 images or videos taken with 360 cameras or 360 image stitching apps.
If users don’t have a 360 camera, they can use the AI that is built into the Teleport Ecosystem to create a background with text prompts.
How to Monetize?
Assets: Any images or 3D objects uploaded by users to use in the Portals can be set to public or private.
Toggle "Show in Gallery” to allow other users to access and use your asset.
Toggle Usage Fee on to charge users for use of your asset.
Portals: any backgrounds uploaded or created by users can be remixed.
Portal creators can allow other users to remix their Portals for free or for a fee.
Price (PORT) can be set after toggling remix to be “allowed” or not.
Video Uploads
Currently, video uploads are limited to 400MB
We recommend to export videos in 1080p or 1440p format for longer videos
If you need to trim a video, Adobe Premiere Pro has plugins for editing 360 videos, or you can use FFmpeg as a free option.